Prepared for every occasion!

The gear list shows the major items available but doesn’t include the 3 backup power inverters Jake travels with, the portable power station, the spare gloves and ear grips for on-screen talent, the ice pick shoe attachments for an entire team, and the makeup kit essentials he carries for when the guest needs a little powder - because even superheroes need a touch-up from time to time.


Cinema Cameras: Sony FX9 and FX3
ENG Cameras: Sony PDW-F800, PXW-X200


Multiple Astra 6x bicolor, JAB Hurricane, Nanlite Forza 60B with projection attachments, litepanels bricks, dracast 1x1 panels, C-stands, boom stands, boom arms, arm booms, chicka chicka boom booms, is anyone still reading this? And a dozen or more various stands.


Wireless and wired mic sets, lav mics, various handheld and shotgun mics, IFB boxes and earpieces and so many cables.


LiveU, Starlink satellite, and gigabit up/down fiber internet


Mavic 3 drone with live transmission output (fully licensed and insured).

Other Fun Stuff

GoPros, Osmo, Ronin gimbal